Doll kit donation
Dewdrop Dolls & Stories is a company that sells doll/story kits designed to bring adults and kids together around the Dewdrop Doll characters. They contacted us recently, offering to donate kits for students in our prison quilting program to make as gifts.
While we’re not able to use the kits in our classes, we’re happy to report that the company donated 35 kits to the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility Head Start program. CCCF’s Head Start classes bring incarcerated women together with their children twice weekly, giving the moms an opportunity to bond with their preschool age kids and to prepare themselves for parenting after release from prison.
Each Dewdrop Dolls & Stories kit comes with a story book that teaches a good character trait, fabric printed with the front and back of a doll to go with the story, two squares of the doll’s face to incorporate into a doll quilt, and instructions on how to sew and stuff the doll and make the quilt. Please visit the Dewdrop Dolls & Stories website to learn more about their products.