St. Stephen quilters turn out for CCQ fundraiser

Quilters from St. Stephen Lutheran ChurchA group of quilters from St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Gladstone have been Coffee Creek Quilters supporters for several years. They collect money in a “coffee can for Coffee Creek” and send the proceeds to us for our Sponsor a Quilter initiative. These quilters heard about our fundraiser at A Place To Be Cafe on Sunday, August 4th, and decided to come for lunch to support us. We appreciate their generosity!

Quilt exhibit at Canby’s The Place To Be Cafe

The Place To Be Cafe Quilts crafted by women incarcerated at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility will be on display throughout the month of August at The Place To Be Cafe (P2B) in Canby. Quilts made by CCQ instructors will also be exhibited and offered for sale as part of our fundraising.

P2B is dedicating Sunday August 4th as a special fundraising event for Coffee Creek Quilters. On that day, P2B will donate 25% of sales to CCQ. P2B’s menu includes coffee roasted by Portland’s Water Avenue Coffee, tea, bubble tea, cold beverages, delicious panini sandwiches made to order, soup, salads, and lovely pastry items. The cafe will be open to all on August 4th from 11 am to 3 pm.

The CCQ exhibit is part of The Place To Be Cafe’s Mission Possible initiative to support local nonprofits. The Cafe is located at 190 NW 2nd Ave, Canby. It’s open Monday to Thursday, 7 am to 7 pm; Friday, 7 am to 9 pm; Saturday, 8 am to 4 pm; and Sunday 11 am to 3 pm. For additional information about The Place To Be Cafe, visit their Facebook page and their website.

CCQ thanks Montavilla Sewing Centers

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMontavilla Sewing Centers has been a generous supporter of the Coffee Creek Quilters program for the past few years, servicing the Janome sewing machines we use in our classes for a special low price. Montavilla also services the donation machines we give our students when they’re released from prison. Several CCQ members showed our appreciation on a recent Friday by bringing a lunch to share with Montavilla owner Brett Moore and his staff.

In addition to Janome, Montavilla sells Viking, Pfaff, Baby Lock and Singer sewing machines and sergers at four locations in the Portland area. They also offer repair and maintenance services, classes for kids and adults, and workshops to improve sewing and quilting skills. For more information about Montavilla’s products and services, please visit their website.